Minas de Cobre (For a Better Metal)

by Calexico

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 2:56 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


The Black Light

Song Author


Tabbed by

Abraham Ramos Pineda


1st → Guitarra Ac�stica
2nd → Viol�n 2
3rd → Viol�n 1
4th → Trompeta 1
5th → Guitarra Jazz
6th → Bajo
7th → Trompeta 2
8th → Percusi�n

File Size

103 KB




It's Easier to play the intro with a capo, also all the song can be played easily with a capo, maybe there are some mistakes, but they are unnoticeable. If you notice mistakes write to the mail below Es m�s f�cil tocar toda la canci�n con capo, en especial la primera parte, hay algunos errores pero no se notan. Si alguien en M�xico quiere formar una banda y tocar buena m�sica como la de Calexico o notan errores m�ndeme un mail a: baninto33@hotmail.com